Monday, June 15, 2009

I have two cameras

so you have to be subjected to the random downloads that pile up...
We have affectionately termed this the ghetto pool. Its very nice to let the older three play in the water ("swim" would be a stretch) while Cora naps in the comfort of her own bed. We are still going to mooch off of anyone's offers to go to their neighborhood pool but this is perfect for my "I have to get some things DONE" days.
This is so "last month" but Benjamin's whole class became published authors. This was the book signing at school. I was so proud of him!!!

also last month - see we did get her cake (cheesecake -that is- her fav)
Ella took this - I think she takes pretty good pics if it wasn't for her finger in the way - she does that all the time!
Lest you think this post was not random enough: we have weeds. I am sick of them - any thoughts? - How come our backyard is nicer than our front yard?? maybe Zeke's pee is magic
I love lazy summer mornings. They are the best, we talk about our dreams, well really Maiya just talks about her dreams.

Ella sleeps in everyday.
Benjamin watches morning cartoons.
Maiya talks our ears off.

Other random thoughts: Cora still only has four teeth. Funny I thought that timeline would be the same for each kid. She is not about to even think about walking but that isn't expected until 15 months - the magic month for that. We are having success in one big area: She is still nursing!!!! I will be so happy to make it past a year.
I have always had a quote stuck in my head from college, but I can't find it now. "Lucky is the child that is breastfed until one, Blessed is the child that is breastfed until two" - I don't know how long Cora and I can make it - but since she has already beat her siblings I am going to try.
This morning I breastfed against my will. Benjamin brought her to our bed and she laid a across me, lifted my clothes and helped herself. She has quite the system going. She has a doting older brother that won't let her fuss for a second so as soon as she wakes up all she has to do is lift up and get his attention and he gets her out of the crib. Lucky girl - She'd have to wait for me.

The rest all rejected breastfeeding around 10 months. But with her I have been very careful to limit bottles and sippy cups to almost nilch. And since she can now drink from a straw I only give her these straw cups (LOVE THEM) with water. I would be so ecstatic if we can wean without sippies. I despise sippy cups. oh the valves, the toddlers that think any cup can be turned upside down, the constant carrying it around, the curdled sippy found in the van. ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh.
Another fav quote:

"Milk is a side effect of love."

Christina M. Smilie, MD

I am attempting to keep to a schedule this summer. We have a lazy breakfast, then they write in a journal. After lunch they have to rest/read. They have zoomed through the books we got a the library. So tomorrow we will have to make another trip. Which is good because we leave early Friday morning for my family reunion in Mississippi. While there we are celebrating Maiya's fourth birthday. I can't believe it. The thought of her going to kindergarten one day and getting all big like Benjamin and Ella makes my heart stop. I told Kyle as we went to bed last night that I didn't appreciate him giving me babies that grow up too fast.

wondering what the kids are reading:
Benjamin is loving this series: Warriors an epic story about warrior cats.
Maiya loves the Black Lagoon books
Ella against my better prodding is still in love with Junie B - I don't need to link we have all been affected by Junie B right? but she does also really like Allie Frinkle right now


Abby said...

Kids do grow up too fast. I can't believe PW will be getting on a bus for kindergarten in just a couple of months.

The dog peeing made a very nice addition.

Amanda said...

oh my word...can I will never have a child that sleeps till almost 10 am! WOW. You are lucky!!!! What time does she go to bed?

Pool looks like a great idea for you:) I liked reading about your little summer sched.

Amanda said...

oh...and YEAH for you on nursing....L gave it up about 3 weeks opposite of P:( It is sad....And we almost always ONLY use the straw cups....L hasn't had a sippy cup for months. I wonder if he would even remember how to drink out of it?

Beth said...

I think Maiya might enjoy some karate - hiya!