Wednesday, June 17, 2009

all the beautiful people

enjoy a sampling of my recent work. Have you thought about having me take your picture? I hope so...

everyone keeps saying I need to up my prices. Right now you get an hour+session plus all high res images on CD for $50 - that averages about $1.00 an image. With a little mental reorganization I will be up'n the prices soon. So if you are on the fence email me now...

PS. Did I tell you my dream is to be a birth photograher? I didn't, well I meant to. So if you know of any free spirit expecting moms who would like a professionally documented birth send them my way...


ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

They all look great! Nice work.

Sarah said...

get me pregnant and you'll be there :D

i don't know if i'm that free of a spirit though :D

Lisa said...

If I can ever get pg, I will have you there!