Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Made me laugh.

I am stealing this from someone else's blog because it made me laugh - It's so me...

Today's to-do list:
1. Make grocery list
2. Buy groceries
3. Put groceries away
4. Order pizza for dinner.

My house is soooooo messy right now that if I were to go into labor it would probably end up being a home birth because I would not let Kyle take me to the hospital until it was cleaned up.


Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

I can soooo relate. The only clean place in the house is the new baby's room, and lets be honest, they don't even go in there till 6 months old anyway!

pizza sounds good.

Sarah said...

we usually eat out on grocery day cause I am so wore out from my day long grocery trip. don't worry, your house WILL be clean when you get home from the hospital whether you do it or not. I'll make sure :D

Bernie said...

I found myself on your home page, quoted for probably one of the few things I've written that I've actually wanted to be quoted for. And then I read your blog. And I found myself home. It is an honor. I love to hear you laughing with yourself.

Bethanne said...

That is so true and so hilarious. I feel like that so many times; I'm glad it isn't just me.

The A Team said...

that too funny and true.