Thursday, February 23, 2006

So how long is too long??

Ella is still sick,
She is making improvement everyday, but overall she still has a low grade fever, congested and lays on the sofa way more than a four year old should, but is that enough to warrant a doctor's visit?? On one hand I feel like we are at the tail end of this whole thing, but on the other hand I feel like - four days is too long??


Anonymous said...

If she isn't any better tomorrow, I would seriously consider a doctor visit. Just my opinion as "Nana"! I hope she is better real soon!!

Ryann said...

If it is a low grade fever and she is just tired, I would wait it out. Unless, there is something blatently wrong, I would not go. That is of course, if you think it is the same virus that Benjamin had-if you think it is something like an ear infection that would require medicine, then go. I know that made no sense. But a huge nasty virus has been going around here and you can't do a darned thing about it but wait it out. So there you go!