Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well we have been dealing with sick kids for the last few days, Benjamin starting running a fever after plans were set for our weekend with my friend Ingrid and her kids visiting. He pretty much kept to himself which was good for the other kids but I feel bad that he essentially "missed" the visit. He started feeling better on Monday and we had a little bit of time outside in the snow that only stayed around for about 25 minutes!!
Monday evening Ella started feeling bad and is still getting over it. No real symptom overall, just fever and achy! But a few comments both of them made cracked me up. During the night Benjamin's fever spiked to 103 and we put him in a lukewarm bath, but the only thing he was concerned with was making sure his sister knew he was sick and getting more attention than him!! "Wake her up and tell her I am sick" Then the next day when I let him eat his sandwich on the sofa he yells "Ella, being sick is cool -- you get to eat on the sofa"
Then Ella when she was feeling particularly bad says "I can't take it anymore" - It was such a grown up statement it broke my heart. So far Maiya has had no signs of being sick, I hope it stays that way!!
My Mom is also experiencing her fair share of illness too, she is on day four of a horrible kidney stone -- You are in our thoughts and prayers Mom!!!!

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