Thursday, February 09, 2006

Peer pressure

Nerves of steel
"Almost done"
little pink flowers (yes mom they are 14K)
"So Pretty"

Well Ella informed me sometime this morning that she was ready to get her ears pierced. "Yeah I am ready now I am a big girl" -- Well I didn't take her too seriously until she brought it up at dinner and when I laid Maiya down after dinner she said again, "Ok let's go get my ears pierced". You see our neighbor's daughter had her ears pierced about two months ago and just recently she started wearing "dangling" earrings and Ella has been fascinated. I made sure not to sugar coat anything. "Its like a shot, there might be a little blood, it will hurt for a few days, your ears will be a little sore, you have to clean them every morning and every night" So as we drove in the van I went through the entire spiel again fully expecting her to back out and for us to enjoy a lovely little stroll in the mall. But no, she was determined, only a couple minutes of crying before the second ear was done, but all was fine as soon as she was handed the mirror.
I didn't do it when she was a baby because I could hardly handle the vaccines as it was I couldn't bear volunteering my baby girl for more pain - I wanted it to be her decision. I never would have expected it at four. If I had guessed I would have said ten or maybe eight at the earliest. But she was ready and willing. The lady that did it said she was amazing especially for her age.


Ryann said...

Oh my goodness! Earings already! What a big girl! And she does look very grown-up. Her preschool pictures are adorable! Gosh, she is growing so fast!

Beth said...

As I was looking at the pictures of Ella I was holding Lindsay on my lap. As soon as she saw Ella, Lindsay starting screaming excitedly and waving hi! She really loves Ella!

Anonymous said...

How brave you were, Ella, and how pretty you look! Now Nana won't ever be "stuck" for what to get you for gifts! We can all get matching earrings -- you, Mommy, Nana, and Gram!!

Hallie said...

I love the earrings. I was four when I got mine pierced and I'll never forget it. Congratulations Ella.