Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Come up for air Ella...

I started officially "carpooling" for preschool today. Friends from church live one street over and the plan is that I will bring their daughter Kylie in the morning with us and her dad will bring Ella home. This will be great for me since I have been interrupting Maiya's morning nap each day to go pick Ella up. Well this morning Benjamin and Ella were absolutely thrilled to have company with us in the van. As soon as Kylie sat down the kids started talking her ears off. The following comment is one full stream of commentary from Ella as best as I can remember it. Now please note she did not stop at all during her ramble, not to breathe, swallow, nothing just talk, talk, talk.

"Kylie, I am going to preschool too we are going to ride together the baby is not here she is at home with daddy he doesn't feel good so he is not going to work on the computoors he is at home babysitting Maiya I didn't feel good once I was sick and I threw up did you ever throw up (at which point Kylie tries to answer but Ella doesn't stop to let her) My Me-maw was sick I miss her because she died and they buried her by flowers but not here it was far away (random subject change at this point) I got lots of make up for Christmas, it was like a million pieces but I lost it (voice raises) mom I can't find my makeup what did you do with it I was a flapper girl for Halloween oh yeah mommy said we can't talk to each other at school because we are (finally getting out of breath......) supposed... to ... learning."

Now she finally pauses to breathe and while she is sucking air Benjamin starts talking, by this point I figure Kylie is missing a quiet ride with her dad. Then Ella starts crying, "Benjamin wont' be quiet, I need to talk to Kylie some more" No Ella I think you have done enough talking...


Kleanteeth said...

Mei does the same thing. She talks on the phone to Ben like that and he has no clue if she's even speaking English.

Beth said...

How funny! What cute kids!