Thursday, November 18, 2010

Picture pages...

how purdy.
be jealous of my homemaking skills
and my daughter who was a soaring eagle at school. hey is that kid picking his nose?
my other daughter the athlete at the FUN RUN
until an injury occurred - double scraped knees
then she walked the rest

someone is dressed up for church and not happy about it
maybe he was just tired
someone lost her first tooth. and bigger news is mommy handled this one without daddy. motherhood makes you face your heebie jeebies.
I didn't' think it was really ready but to cheer her on I promised she could have ice cream for dinner if she pulled it out - she had that bad boy out of there in record time. Later she sat at the dinner table BEAMING with her bowl of ice cream.
Frugal foodie - the girls and I made 150+ biscuits for the freezer from this recipe
we put them on cookie sheets and froze them
after we made one batch - now we have biscuits ready for freezer jam

the girls got a little jealous of PJ so I swaddled them too - Maiya fell asleep and slept swaddled for over an hour - maybe I should still be swaddling her??

Sock hop day!!!

my little shorty :)

bubble gum blowing contest

lego rock band anyone?? I was enjoying the background music as I cooked dinner so I snuck up with the camera - it was fun to see Cora in on the action.

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