Thursday, April 20, 2006

Report Card

Warning: bragging ahead...

Benjamin got his report card today. The last two have had a couple needs improvement areas - so I was hoping for better and got my wish. Benjamin really is getting the hang of this whole school thing. Not only did he have no areas that need improvement but he got and 'E' in counting to 100 by 1's and telling time!! Its a little confusing though - you would think E means excellent but it actually means 'expanding' (a skill beyond the expectations of their grade level).

I am so glad to see him improving!! - Ms. Mason commented on how much he has matured so far this year. Its a nice feeling to think that you may be doing something right every now and then.

Now one issue I am open to suggestions about - How do you teach the value of a nickel and dime? It really throws Benjamin for a loop that the dime is smaller but worth more.


Kleanteeth said...

Money is hard. Shawn didn't get it for quite a while. Just practice, practice. Bigger is not always better. Ben has grown up a lot. Just wait, next year, he'll grow even more than this year. It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Well, give him 10 dimes and 10 nickels. Then "sell" him some things he really wants... one minute on the computer costs one penney. He will quickly learn that he gets more time by using a dime than a nickel!

I sure love that "expanding" little boy!

Mama Spud said...

Just to let you know how slow my brain is working, my heart sank when I read that Benjamin got an E.
In my kids world of grades, the "E" replaced the "F" meaning failure. I forget that he is in kindergarten. Good job!!
p.s. two of my kids "forgot" to show me their report cards -- just wait till they get home today!

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic, "B"!! You get an "E"normous hug from Gram and Nana. Keep up the good work. You make us very proud!!