Monday, April 24, 2006

Emotional Milestone??

So I am a little wierd - I dread the "10 month old" birthday with my babies. Not that I miss being pregnant, but its a little sad to think that they have officially spent more time in the world than in my womb. Even though my preganancies are awful - it is an amazing thing to feel someone kicking and hiccuping inside of you - and every month that passes we are farther away from that.
But no matter it really is just as amazing to see how much Maiya learns and how much she grows each day!!


Ryann said...

Wow she has grown so much in ten months! It's even hard for me to remember you pregnant!

Congrats also to Benjamin-he is doing so well!

Kleanteeth said...

I got scared there with that first picture. I thought you were announcing another pregnancy or something. 10 months is just when I start liking it. To each his own I guess.