Thursday, August 11, 2005


Is this payback? - I remember always hearing my mom say how screechy my voice was as a toddler - and I thought yeah right how bad could it have been, well now I know! She was right - Ella has this scream that could mean anything from I have just lost three fingers in a slamming door or Benjamin took the toy I wanted - there is no in between scream for her. And lately she has been doing it all day, I don't know if it is her form of regression associated with the new baby or what, but it is physically disabling me. - Its a noise that I can only imagine is what a dog hears when someone blows a dog whistle - in fact I am quite surprised that there aren't' all the stray dogs from 50 miles around writhing outside our front door some days
I don't know if changing my Karma will cure Ella - but I officially apologize mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL.. if only Karma worked that way. No, you will have to face it, Janie. You are getting payback for something that happened very long ago. But I can tell you this - You have no idea how much I would give to go back in time and hear your squeak again. So it may annoy you, but don't forget to treasure it. Just think - I loved you in spite of it!