Thursday, October 25, 2007

Benjamin's Field Trip

Waiting in line sucks when you are this excited!
I am really trying to listen
The kids had to sketch animals in this statue garden so when they happened upon this pond with real turtles they totally freaked when the turtles started moving. It was hilarious. Notice the way too cool college student trying not to be annoyed with the second graders (the education center is on the UNT campus)
My fav pic of the day
Mrs. Watson's class
Excavation site
Found something!!

Water movement experiments, excavation site digging, chemistry tests, planetarium, it was a very busy day for my little man!!! I came home exhausted but immediately told Kyle how extremely lucky I felt to be able to go with Benjamin on his field trip and be there all day with him. I just have to say I love being a stay-at-home mom and being a going-on-field-trips-mom!!! The best part was the VIP treatment from Benjamin - He was so thrilled to have me there. When I got there he told everyone that barely walked by him "My mom's going with us". He held my hand when the lights darkened in the planetarium. And he wanted to make sure I got to see every single thing. I asked Kyle how many more years will he be excited that I am at his school. He said maybe one. Fighting back tears I humffffed away saying "I hope you're wrong"


My name is Andrea said...

Parker is in 4th grade and 10 years old and still LOVES me to go with him!! It doesn't have to end!

Kleanteeth said...

I'm going to have to go with Kyle. Shawn still acknowledges my existence, but doesn't announce it to everyone. He still allows me a little hug before getting on the bus, though. They grow up fast, either way.