Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lone Star State

This will be a relatively uneventful blog now because most of you already know. We are moving to Texas - somewhere in the Plano area which is just north of Dallas. It has been excruciating not being able to blog. Kyle was promoted to Product Manager, a much better position within the company and career track in general. We have known for about three weeks now that this was pretty much a done deal but it was just made official today. I didn't want to prematurely blog and have one of Kyle's coworkers be unofficially informed. No need to risk Kyle getting dooced* because of me.
We have been feverishly getting the house ready to sell. We have not really had time to let it all sink in. That's not to say we haven't been overly discussing it, looking at realty websites non stop, and trying to plan the unplanable (sp?).
The kids seem to have taken the news well. Benjamin was mostly concerned that we not leave before his birthday party. Ella wanted to make sure all our family would know where our new house is going to be and that there is gymnastics in Teckis.
Can you describe the emotions when a big move looms ahead?? Excitement, fear, sorrow over leaving family, confusion, high hopes for the new job, dread over goodbyes, etc. For now we focus on the tough job of selling this house. If there is real estate fairy dust send some our way!!

*dooced: fired because of content on your weblog.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

No fair! I'm going to miss you so much! But thank goodness you have this blog so that I can be updated regularly.

Congratulations Kyle and Janie! I know that this is a really good thing for you and I hope that Texas treats you well! And when you're open for visitors, let me know!