Monday, September 16, 2013

Pawker Bames turns three.

Dear PJ, 
I just want to capture in words what you are like at this point in your little life. You are passionate. What ever you feel you feel it deeply. You tell everyone that you love "I love you" and when you tell them that you say it at least three times, ending with "I love you sooooooo much" 

When you are mad you are quick with "You are poopie." If that doesn't have the desired effect seconds later  its "I hate you." Five minutes after your rage you are back to "I love you. I'm sorry its my fault. Mom, its all my fault" And you go back about your day.

Your vocabulary is out of this world. I can't think of anything you can't say. If rushed its hard to understand you, but you always manage to get your point across. 

You make sure that you say goodbye to everyone. And its always a full goodbye. Hug. Kiss. AND three goodbyes, even if I'm only running a very quick errand. I have to sit in the van and make sure that you won't manage the lock, evade your dad and run out into the front yard anyway. 

You don't like clothes. Therefore you are frequently naked. This tortures your older siblings. OH MY GAWD MOM he doesn't have any pants on. You all the while don't get what the big deal is. 

You are a good eater. 
You are still breastfeeding. What's up with that? 

We say goodbye to the big kids on the bus, welcome it home every afternoon and spot buses on every trip out of the house. You may fight with them but you want your brother and sisters around you. 

You give equal attention to "girl" stuff and "boy" stuff. You are versed in the vernacular of my little ponies and racing cars. 

You have some OCD tendencies. When you want it done your way in a particular order nothing will re-direct you. 
You are full of life, love, spirit, and spunk. And we love it all.

1 comment:

Nana to Oz said...

Love the belly shot and the one above the cake!! Most of all, love the kid!! He can be a handful when his temper is flaring, but he can be so, so loving most of the time!! I've seen him cry when he doesn't think he's said "goodbye" properly!! And his spontaneous declarations of "I love you Neena" just melt my heart! I love you PJ James!! <3