Tuesday, September 07, 2010

This house is clean.

there was labor on labor day, just not the kind of labor one like me would want.

I could tell you about how my braxton hicks contractions were every 10 minutes like clockwork starting about midnight Saturday night, and I got so excited I couldn't sleep and went to church the next day having slept NOT a wink. But that makes me sound silly and its embarrassing. (But true)

so we cleaned the house this weekend

kitchen floor scrubbed, floor shine applied, carpet steamed, washer and dryer cleaned behind and under (yuck), drains cleaned out (double yuck), grass cut, bookshelves and fans dusted, thirty plus sandwiches made and frozen for school lunches, and two batches of strawberry freezer jam (yum).

A pot of chili to be made and frozen today and laundry to be finished.

Ella has a dress and accessories for the Daddy Daughter dance.

I am out of sudoku puzzles (they are my distraction at night when I can't sleep.) And I want the easy one star ones, I don't like to actually think too hard, just want to be distracted.

Going to get a haircut today and stop to get milk and puzzles.

Tonight is curriculum night at the middle school. I want to go like I want a hole in my head as my mother would say. But I don't want to miss the information either...

that's my life right now. plugging along.

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