Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our baby boy is here!

Parker James Oyakawa

September 12th 2010


9lbs 12 ozs

22.5 inches long

too tired and elated simultaneously to write birth story, so details to follow, but I'll leave with you with a few bullets...

  • Wonderful homebirth with no complications, heart rate stayed in the 150's the whole time (I was never so lucky with pitocin contractions), blood pressure was great, no tears, no stitches, no abnormal bleeding, and I never begged to go to the hospital. I did beg (literally) for someone to just pull the baby out already.
  • I had a crying fit Saturday afternoon, I was fearing I'd never go into labor naturally after many days of praying to trust God and nature's timing.

  • Labor started at 10:20 that night. We didn't really believe it until 11:45, by midnight things were really picking up.

  • Meg and Nana made it over by 1 am, midwives by 2 am. Parker by 3:16 am :)

  • Labor was 1 million trillion cagillion times better at home than the hospital. The delivery just plain hurt but was still better than the hospital. Now I am a woman who has never had a truly 'successful' epidural so you can believe me or not but waterbirth was WAY better to me than a hospital bed and epidural.

  • My contractions significantly picked up intensity but throughout the labor never picked up in time like we expected. Even in late labor I had good long breaks at points where I completely floated like a lilly pad in the birth pool.

  • The only intervention I can think of is the midwife did break my water when I asked nicely (read, begged and pleaded) because I was at an 8 and there for a while. I was pushing with the second contraction after water breaking.

  • Before she did that I got up and out of the pool in transition to go use the bathroom. I consider it one of the hardest things I did in labor.

  • I sabotaged all picture and video quality by how dark I wanted the whole place. I am happy with my decision, the dim light made me feel safe.

  • Benjamin, Ella, and Maiya made it down and were awake in time for the delivery. I think with the dim lights and presence of Nana and Aunt Meg no one was overwhelmed. I also think them being there for the birth has tremendously enhanced their bonding with Parker. Cora later was the first sibling to hold him and she claimed him for her own. "NO, MINE!"

  • The Bradley class was worth our time and money and Kyle was the best coach a woman could ever want. At the hospital I felt like we were both along for the ride. At home, he and I were truly a team. The midwives were like the paramedics at the end of the field during the football game. Kyle and I were in the game. And we did an amazing job if I do say so myself. I feel closer and more in love with him than I thought possible.

  • Now I have to go love on his new baby some more.

  • He is nursing like a champ.

  • You guys might laugh at us but we really thought he looked small when he was born and we were all guessing around 8 lbs. before he got weighed. HA... looking at the pictures he does look like a chunk but he's still a teeny newborn to me.


Molly said...

Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Your homebirth sounded a lot like mine - wonderful! Hooray. He is a complete cutie!

Nana to Oz said...

Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be there when Parker was born! Other than the birth of my own sons, it was one of the most awesome events in my life!! I feel so blessed to have witnessed the delivery of this gift from Heavenly Father!! I love all of you soooo much!!!

Nana to Oz said...

P.S. Lest anyone think that I dont think my other grandkids aren't awesome -- THEY ARE!! The only difference is that I didn't get to see them come into the world, but they are just as precious to me as if I had! (Just wanted to clarify that!!!) :)

Karen said...

Awe struck. What blessings you have experienced. Can't wait to meet little/big Parker!

Brooke said...

Yup still makes me teary eyed!

I am telling you, I wanted more kids as soon as Gwen came out, just so I could do it again. . . but I am a weirdo and love childbirth.

I am SO GLAD yours was such a good experience.

Melissa G. said...

Congratulations! I'm so so so happy for you guys! What a blessing that everything went so smoothly and according to plan.

Cathy said...

Every time I get tired of living and the accompanying pain, I think of these little spirits and how much they mean to me and I reconsider and realize the pain isn't all that bad after all. Then I think of Janie and Meg and how special the times were when they were born and how blessed I am that I have lived to see them grown into awesome women. I feel I know what Heavenly Father meant, when He said, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Thank you God, for the minds that created the technology that allowed me to experience Parker's birth as though I were there. Thanks to Meg for setting it up and Janie and Kyle for allowing it. Love you all! Grandma

Cathy said...
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Amanda said...

CONGRATS! So glad it all went well:) Yep--giving birth is just about the best "high" you could get;)

Jennifer said...

Welcome Baby!!! My 9 lbs 10 oz was estimated to be an 8 something until the nurses saw him. Congrats!

TexasMom said...

I love your analogy of "the midwives were like the paramedics . . . during the football game. Kyle and I were in the game. . ." That made such total sense to me. I am so glad it all went so well. What a wonderful event for your family. Once again, congratulations!

The A Team said...

that sounds amazing. i'm so glad everything went well.