Monday, May 03, 2010

Baby O's Gender Bender. AT THE HOUSE NOW

looks like a chance of thunderstorms... so now we'll have this shindig at our home. I'm not cancelling. I can't wait another day :)

We had our ultrasound last week.

The baby looked healthy and adorable but we didn't find out if its the girl adorable type or the boy adorable type.

The ultrasound technician wrote that answer on a 4X.5 inch of paper, If you are wondering that is the size of a fortune in a fortune cookie.

Its folded up in an envelope on my mantle and this afternoon it will be dropped into a fortune cookie.

That envelope is torturing me I tell ya.

But anyway... this post is to invite you to come find out with us if our baby is a boy or a girl.

Chances are good if you come to my blog you are a friend and we want all of our friends to be there.
And just in case you are that last lone holdout that is not on facebook you may have not heard about this.

So if you are near us and don't have anything better to do, come to the park in our neighborhood at 6:30 tonight, crack open a cookie and tell us if we are having a boy or a girl.

because we are dying to know!!!

ps. if you can't make it - or happen to live somewhere other than the Great State of Texas, we'll announce as soon as we are home. Here on da blog and on facebook.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

The Great Commonwealth of Vriginia is voting for a BOY! We'll support either candidate... boy or girl.. but I just happen to think this one is a boy.