Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Warning!! bragging ahead...

So I have a pile of scrap paper that includes these huge odd shaped envelopes that I let the kids use as their 'craft' paper. And if you know Ella she is always fiddling (drawing, coloring, cutting, etc.); especially since I set up the craft supplies within their reach. Well yesterday she brings me this - I was amazed. You may not believe it but she made it without any instructions. She traced her hand near the natural fold of the envelope then cut out half of the shape and unfolded to complete her reindeer - She added a red nose to make sure we knew it was Rudolph and put the circles on the head so Rudolph would have curly hair like her. I thought maybe it was a fluke, like she was just tracing and she happened to cut it out looking like a reindeer. So I asked if she could do it again and she did - didn't miss a step!! So now Mommy and Daddy both have a Rudolph. Now three weeks ago I tried to teach the activity day girls(ages 8-11) at church how to make snowflakes and they just couldn't get the concept of folding and then cutting - they made just about every other shape of snowflake besides round. So I am still amazed that she figured this out by herself!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Ella, the artist!! She has always loved music, art, etc. I see visions of someone famous in the future!!