Monday, February 14, 2011

Electronic Mail... Home movie version

In honor of valentine's day I present a short glimpse of Kyle and I where we met... Longwood College. Its now Longwood University. A small AWESOME school right smack dab in the middle of Virginia. We reminisce about it all the time. There are HOURS of embarrassing footage from longwood now on my computer. We did SNL type skits and they are so horrible they make your teeth hurt and your sides ache from laughter. One day when I am senile enough to not be embarrassed maybe I'll put them up.

Anyway, check out that stellar computer lab in the video. Remember when you printed out emails to save them? or was that just me??
I remember when I was about to leave longwood the talk was they were going to require each incoming student to own a computer. No way we said that is an undue financial hardship - I mean not everyone can afford a computer!!!

funny to imagine now..I wonder what they did with the old computer lab...

ps. feel free to tease Kyle about the posters on his walls - I am sure he'll say they were Jonny's


Meg said...

so many forehead comments... must resist!! lol lol jk

and I believe you still get excited when you get mail.

Cathy said...

Did you have to have a separate pillow for that forehead? Just sayin'....