Thursday, April 08, 2010

My first born's directorial debut

be jealous m. knight, be very, very jealous.... watch the whole thing and give it the five stars it deserves and you will make a boy's day... ps. rosebud is his sled

(now that he knows how to set up my camera, tripod, and how to upload - there very well could be thousands of these on you tube by saturday afternoon) dude, we're rolling...


Cathy said...

Looks like a Spielberg in the making. Go for it Ben! I love the creativity... and everyone starts somewhere. Wish I knew who those characters are (I know.. I sound like a Grandma!)

Nana to Oz said...

Really good but too short!! And Mario never got to say a word, poor guy! Keep it up, Ben, and when you get to be a rich Hollywood director we'll all come to live with you!!!