Monday, August 08, 2011

Bucket List - 10th grade version

My best friend Ingrid and I wrote these lists for ourselves the summer after 10th grade. Not sure how my list of 20 things I want to do before I die became 24 things. But here it is - It gave Kyle a good laugh last night reading them:

In case you can't read it:

1. Read all of the scriptures.
2. Go on a mission.
3. Live in a loft or apartment in the city.
4. Go on a long hiking/camping trip in some exotic place.
7. Kiss a teacher/professor. (sigh... yes I had a huge crush on a teacher I'll leave un-named)
8. Be Someone's hero.
9. Go Skiing in Utah. (I did in Wyoming an countless times in Virginia - does that count?)
10.Make love in the water. (yeah who didn't understand the logistics of sex LOL)
11. See the Northern Lights.
12. Finish my genealogy (what exactly counts as finishing??)
13. Give natural childbirth and breastfeed. (how come I was enlightened at sixteen and got stupid when I actually became pregnant?)
14. Go Skydiving and Bungee jumping (check on of those. - sorry mom)
15. Go back to Yellowstone and stay at the Ol faithful inn.
16. Go to a U2 concert.
18. Never drink alcohol. (oops. its disgusting.)
must not be able to count - I skipped 19
20. Go to an outside hot spring in Colorado or some place cold during the winter. (did it in the summer does that count?)
21. Visit Italy.
22. Get a master's degree (no longer interested.)
23. Marry in the Temple (Sealed March 7, 2001)
24. take a yoga class (scratched out - but I've done it several times.) and Go skinny dipping in the ocean, or in Lake Norman every summer. (I've gone skinny dipping many, many times so I'll count that as done.)

moi working at Kings Dominion - you had to ride the ride you worked at before opening - the kids in the photo booth thought it was funny to take our pic and send it up to us


Amanda said...

so funny;) And really how were you thinking of childbirth and breastfeeding at that age? It's in your blood;)

Meg said...

#8: you are my hero

Tony said...

Will you now be substituting U2 with Toby Keith? ;-)

Tony said...

In 2035 when "Lucky" is on his/her mission, perhaps you and Kyle can rent a loft apartment in NYC for a week.

Janie said...

I'll have to find and blog the picture of me breastfeeding my baby doll at four years old. Its always been in my blood I suppose :)

Janie said...

Meg... you made me cry. love you!

Cathy said...

Adn WHEN did you skydive and/or bungee jump? I guarantee if you had parent's permission, it was your father who granted it. You know what I used to say.. as long as I was the one who would have to feed you or change your diapers after an accident, I was the one who got to make the call. You get a spanking when I see you again!

Sarah said...

Meg totally stole my comment-- but truly you are. You are the "OLDER" sister I never had. :) I really don't know what I would do without you and your wisdom. Thanks for putting up with my snarkiness and people pleasing anxiety.