Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I hesitate to blog this, because it could all be easily blamed on my size and I don't want that can of worms opened. But I just have to say HOLY CRAP I am in pain. Sometimes I call it "back pain" because that is easy to understand - but its really my pelvis. And in the last couple of days it has gone above and beyond the frustration of not being able to sleep in the bed. Despite nights in the recliner I am still constantly in pain. If I sit too long its bad, If I stand too long in one position its worse, and if I lay down its excruciating.
So the official name is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and one site explains the symptoms perfectly, I felt I could write it myself:
Any activity that involves lifting one leg at a time or parting the legs tends to be particularly painful. Lifting the leg to put on clothes, getting out of a car, bending over, sitting down or getting up, walking up stairs, standing on one leg, lifting heavy objects, and walking in general tend to be difficult at times. Many women report that moving or turning over in bed is especially excruciating.
Anyway I do not want to be a whiner, the point of this post was to get some opinions on Chiropractic care. I am not against chiropractors (maybe), but I am willing to try anything at this point. I'll put up a poll, but if anyone has specifics on the pros or cons I should know about let me know.


Ryann said...

I am so sorry that you are in this much pain. Have never been to a chiropractor so I have no advice for you there. Only to ask to be induced a month early!

Ryann said...

Just thought of something...isn't there anything the doctor can do for you to help? Some kind of drugs maybe?

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

get a recommendation for a chiropractor if you can. there are those out there that are awesome. If your insurance doesn't cover it see if your OB will write you a scrip for that or a physical therapist.

my sis is double jointed and during pregnancy her joints have NO hold, she is held together by jello and it's really painful. I feel for you both!!

i'm so sorry, it sounds soooo painful! There may even be someone in your area that specializes in pregnancy crap like this??? i hope you find someone that can help, don't you miss ibuprofin??

Nana to Oz said...

I am not totally against chiropractors, just cautious. I would NOT go to one for anything involving the spine. I know people praise "realignments" and "adjustments" but that scares me. But knees, etc., might be okay. I'd check with your OB first! Just my "motherly" and nursing opinion! Main point is I suppose, if it helps, doesn't harm you or Cora, go for it! (That happened to me with both pregnancies, so I absolutely sympathize!!!)

Molly said...

I went to a chiropractor while I was pregnant. Before going I told her I was pregnant and does she work on pregnant women. She did and was very good with me. It might help you. It is awful to be in such pain. Good luck.

Kleanteeth said...

I'm waiting for someone to invent a device that would let me sleep in the bathtub and keep my head up and the water warm, that's the only way I'd be pain free. I feel for ya. If insurance is willing to pay I'd try the chiro. I don't remember you having these pains with Maiya, is this new?

Beth said...

I had the exact same pain you are experiencing with Heather, so I sympathize! It is not fun! I have never been to a chiropractor myself, but if your OB approves it, go for it. I can't imagine you feeling any worse than you already do!

Brianne said...

I've been to a chiropractor quite a few times here in McKinney, including during my pregnancies. He's not a "snap, crackle, pop" kind of chiropractor which was important to me because I had been to one like that before and it scared the crap out of me! He's also super cheap (like $30, I think) so he doesn't mess with insurance, and he's also not the type that tells you that you need to come back every week just to get your money. His name is Dr. Beacham if you're interested in giving him a try. Hope you find someone or something that can help!

Jennifer said...

OUch!!! I don't miss that pain. There were days I couldn't walk. Stairs were excruciating. Rolling over in bed required deep breathing. Labor seems to be a breeze compared to the chronic, intense pain.

I sat on ice nightly to numb the pain. Why is getting a baby here such torture?

I don't know about the chiropractor. Seems like a tricky place to adjust.

Good luck figuring out what will work for you & I'M SO SORRY you're miserable.

Janie said...

So the night I blogged this was the worst ever - hurt all day and couldn't sleep real well either. Then the next day was markedly better - go figure.
But Kristi to answer your question - yes I had it with Maiya, had it with all but on various degrees. This time just seems worse.

Janie said...

Oh and Brianne thanks for the suggestion - I am going to check him out.

My name is Andrea said...

I am pro-chiro, but anti-one-you-don't-know. My step dad is a chiro and I was adjusted alot during Parker and Liza's time inside. I totally trust him, but don't know anyone here. Maybe I'll try Brianne's...also there is a new chiro movong into our ward who went to the same school as my step dad...I'm sorry that you are hurting!