
Monday, December 21, 2020

Is this thing still on?

 Oh my my my, my twisted relationship with this blog, sigh. Long ago I started this with trepidation because is anything more annoying that navel gazing? Yes there is one thing: mommy navel gazing. Then despite that I promoted it, because hells bells, FRIENDS for a stay at home mommy. Then blogging led to reading and that led to listening and that led to learning and I had a major worldview change and lost said friends.  I found myself in different circles and as my babies left the breast, then my side I found a new stage of life. I abandoned this little thing of 1200 posts in a cradle of privacy on the internet. 

And here I am six something years later. I am a working mom back to the profession I started long ago with my firstborn in my belly. There’s a pandemic at hand and a midlife crisis in this soul I don’t actually believe in. I am no longer fretting over how to grow my young babes healthy I know a hell of a lot about birth and breastfeeding and find myself here on a random  weeknight searching evidence based dementia prevention. 

I hear those hearty babies playing a board game with their dad at the table rowdy and cursing, mentally sharp as a tack. Maybe because I’ve lost my mom and her sharp wit, maybe because my job forces me to the face the slow ravages mortal decay often, or maybe because the news has us all preoccupied with death and it’s daily numbers, or maybe because I can’t remember phone numbers as fast as I once could  ... I sit here contemplating what I’ll leave one day. Do I want the time I waste on technology to be a compendium of “likes” somewhere or words my loves, those babies can keep. 

I’m going to start writing again. I hope. This won’t be the community it was for me. Maybe now just a quiet place to self bloviate. 

And if you were wondering factors that contribute to dementia: 

 less education, hypertension, hearing impairment, smoking, obesity, depression, physical inactivity, diabetes, and low social contact. We now add three more risk factors for dementia with newer, convincing evidence. These factors are excessive alcohol consumption, traumatic brain injury, and air pollution

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